+2 0111 4222 115 info@zimoegypttours.com


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+2 0111 4222 115 info@zimoegypttours.com


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After creating an account, you'll be able to track your payment status, track the confirmation and you can also rate the tour after you finished the tour.
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* Creating an account means you're okay with our Terms of Service and Privacy Statement.
Please agree to all the terms and conditions before proceeding to the next step

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About Us

Zimo Egypt Tours

Zimo Egypt Tours

Zimo Tours Egypt travel experts have been researching the travel options for people who want to spend their holidays in the Egypt, over the past two decades, we’ve learned a lot about what our clients and customers want. We can provide excellent itineraries for individuals, families, or groups and we can handle all bookings so that you are never inconvenienced during your stay in the Egypt. And if you’d prefer to have more flexibility, we can arrange your trip so you have the free time to explore and experience spontaneous adventures during your holidays.

We at Zimo Egypt Tours believe in innovation, growing, and consistency along with our partners to ensure the delivery of a safe, excellent, and flexible experience to our travelers throughout the booking process, journey and even after returning.